Our Points of Unity
We demand that all of our neighbors above the age of 16 have the right to participate in elections and hold the government accountable, regardless of citizenship, immigration or carceral status.
We tie our fight for democratic freedoms to building a society for the entire working class, and we therefore call for the abolition of ICE, stand in opposition to the increasingly militarized carceral state, and embrace the demands of DSA's For Our Rights program.
We uphold the core principles of the Vote Uncommitted Campaign because we support a Free Palestine for our brothers, sisters, and siblings in Palestine.
This is a multilingual and multicultural campaign. We will make our greatest efforts to facilitate communication between those in our group that speak Spanish, English, or any other language to the best of our ability.
This campaign is not an endorsement of any party or candidate, it is a protest of the current undemocratic political system which has failed to allow our noncitizen neighbors to vote in our cities. We will only consider endorsing candidates that have already been endorsed by their respective DSA chapters.